Metro Technology Centers -
Public Safety Academy
Oklahoma City, OK
Presenting the collaborative achievement of Metro Technology Centers, Renaissance Architecture and Quad Construction, funded through Metro Tech’s 2019 Community Bond Initiative, this 54,000- square-foot Public Safety Academy stands as a testament to innovation and partnership.
The state-of-the-art facility encompasses classrooms, offices, and training zones tailored to deliver industry-standard first responder training for high school and adult students. In collaboration with key stakeholders like Oklahoma County law enforcement, Oklahoma City fire, EMSA, and the Oklahoma 911 Management Authority, Metro Tech provides a comprehensive training environment for aspiring professionals.
Specifically designed for high school students embarking on public safety careers, the academy offers dedicated access to fitness rooms and simulation spaces for driving and firearms training. Metro Tech’s facilities elevate law enforcement training, nurturing competent graduates and empowering officers to protect their communities with confidence.
The Firefighter Services program also benefits from the academy’s resources, providing high school students exclusive access to fitness areas, specialized training zones, and a multi-vehicle apparatus bay. Furthermore, the facility accommodates the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program, offering adult learners a dedicated classroom, ambulance simulation area, and space for practical learning, including a cadaver lab.
A notable addition to the academy is the 4,100-square-foot Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch Center. This space serves as a vital hub, facilitating training for students pursuing emergency dispatch careers and operating as a functional 16-call official facility.
Key Features:
•54,605-square-foot Public Safety Facility
•4,100-square-foot 911 Call Center/Safe Room with a 16-call capacity
•Secure Entrances, Check-In Room, and Vestibule
•Tailored Classrooms and Labs for Firefighter Services and
EMS/EMT Programs
•Law Classrooms and Defensive Tactics Training Areas
•Simulated Driving and Shooting Classrooms with Munitions Room
•Simulations Training Area with Simulated Town and Apartments
•Dedicated Fitness Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen Facilities
•Outdoor Patio Space
This comprehensive design embodies a commitment to excellence in public safety education, offering specialized spaces and resources to foster the next generation of competent professionals.